**If you are looking to work with us and you have Certified kennel or You are a Certified Pet Shop owner, then please send us email at "letscarepets@gmail.com"

Please fill below information and send to us.

Your Name:*

Your Email ID: *

Please fill required Dog Breed, Contact Number and Location: *

Please note** We will help you to adopt happy, health and original breed puppy following government guidelines. We only revert you back when we have an availability. We only deals with Original Breeds and Good Quality Puppies so because of that sometimes we have availability crunches. If we do not reply on the same day please do contact with other pet shops and pet suppliers.

 **Note:  Please do not pay anything until you received the pet and documentation has been done as per government guidelines.

We help you to adopt only pure breed happy and healthy puppies. We believe in customer satisfaction, so we suggest everyone that first see the puppy, check all the things such as government guidelines, all the documentation and check the quality of the  puppy and all the factors that we have mentioned in the pages. Once all the things are fine and you are happy to adopt the puppy then only pay the amount.

Be Happy with Your Pet and give them lots of love.