2. What thing you have to take care while adopting Pomeranian puppy or Pomeranian Baby?
3. Name of some Pet shops in Howrah along with their addresses.
4. On what all factors, Pomeranian Dog price can be differ from puppy to puppy.
5. Contact Us button to contact us.
पोमेरेनियन डॉग ब्रीड के डॉग की कुछ जानकारी नीचे दी गयी हे (Information of Pomeranian Dog in Hindi):
ये बहुत ही ऊर्जावान होते हे और परिवार में सभी सदस्यों के साथ अच्छे से रहते हे ! इनके बाल बहुत ही पफी और मुलायम होते हे ऐसा लगता हे जैसे मनो मुलायम कम्बल हाथ में ले रखा हो ! इनका वजन लगभग 2-6 Kg तक होता हे और इनका जीवनकाल 12-16 साल का होता हे और इनकी ऊँची लगभग 10-12 inch तक होती हे !
ये होते तो छोटे हे पर कभी कभी बड़ी प्रजाति के डॉग्स से भी लड़ जाते हे, ये बहुत ही ऊर्जावान और समझदार डॉग प्रजाति हे ! ये बहुत कलर्स में पाए जाते हे, जैसे White, Black, Cream, Apricot, Golden, Red, Yellow और भी बहुत सारे कलर्स में.
If you are looking to adopt the Pomeranian puppy in Howrah from the pet suppliers or dog breeders. Then there are lots of pet supplies shops and dog breeders in Howrah where you will find Pomeranian for sale. Please find the below list of pet shops available in Howrah:
Pet shops where you would get Pomeranian Puppy Sale in Howrah are mentioned below:
Souvik Dog's Kennel & Pet House
Kolkata Husky Akita Chow Chow Club
Relish Ally Kennel and Dog Creche
Dog Lovers Kennel
Das Hobby Centre
Woof Pet Supplies
PETCARE Communication
Wow pets
Below are the most important points which you have to taken care while adopting the Pomeranian Dog in Howrah:
1. Pomeranian dog should be of Original Breed.
2. Dog should be vaccinated with required vaccination. Vaccination card should be given by the seller.
3. Pomeranian puppy or Dog health should be good and he should not be aggressive.
4. Government guidelines has to be following while purchasing and doing sale of Pomeranian baby in Howrah with proper documentation..