German Shepherd Puppy Price in Montreal (Complete Adoption Fees) is around:
To adopt german shepherd dog in Montreal, please click below button:
If you are looking to adopt the German Shepherd puppy in Montreal from the pet suppliers or dog breeders. Then there are lots of pet supplies shops and dog breeders in Montreal where you will find German Shepherd puppy for sale. Please find the below list of pet shops available in Montreal:
German Shepherd Breeders or Pet Suppliers where you will find German Shepherd puppy Sale in Montreal:
Animalerie Too Zoo Inc
Boutique Pawse Inc.
Pet Care Info
Planète Woof
Animalerie Cartierville Pet Store
Canine & Compagnie
Pattes et Griffes
Animalerie B L Enrg
Paws and Claws - Nutranimo
Animalerie Nouvelle Aventure
Pattes et Griffes
Animalerie Chico
Address: 5580 Côte Saint Luc Rd, Montreal, Quebec H3X 2E2, Canada
Below are the most important points which you have to taken care while adopting the German Shepherd Dog in Montreal:
1. German Shepherd dog should be of Original Breed.
Dog should be vaccinated with required vaccination. Vaccination card
should be given by the seller and all the government guidelines has been
3. German Shepherd puppy or Dog health should be good and he should not be aggressive.
4. Government guidelines has to be followed while adopting or purchasing and doing sale of german shepherd puppy in Montreal with proper documentation.