Chow Chow Dogs are like a big puffy teddy bear, they are Affectionate, easygoing and lovable companion dogs. They are medium size watch and guard dog and can be suitable for apartment also as they need less exercise, 15 minutes walk in morning and evening is enough but the only thing is that, they are not suitable for hot climate or places. Chow Chow happily lives with the family and he is an excellent, intelligent and perfect family dog. Chow Chow dogs (चाउ चाउ डॉग)  are very good to other pets and children so it is a recommendable family dog. He do not bark more but when he see strangers around him they bark and guard. So, if you are looking to adopt Chow Chow puppy in Bangalore and you are willing to know more about the Chow Chow puppy price in Bangalore or Chow Chow cost in Bangalore then you are landed on the right place.
Chow Chow price in Bangalore, Chow Chow cost in Bangalore, cost of golden retriever in Bangalore, price of Chow Chow in Bangalore

The Original Breed Chow Chow Puppy Price in Bangalore with KCI or without KCI is around:

Price : 25,000 Rs to 45,000 Rs
Free Adoption: When there is an availability, there are several case when any dog parent family wants to give their pet to someone due to several reasons. We help them and provide pet a new loving and caring pet parents. Please mention in comments if you willing to do free adoption.
Chow Chow puppies are available in orange, blue,light orange,off white, creamy and black color.

What we offer is: First see the Chow Chow puppy, Ensure and feel the quality and if you feels that, this is what you need, then only pay.We only deal with Original Breeds. 
Happy puppy makes the family more happy.

Chow Chow cost in Bangalore, Chow Chow price in Bangalore, Chow Chow baby price in Bangalore, cost of Chow Chow in Bangalore, price of Chow Chow in Bangalore, Chow Chow Puppy cost in Bangalore 
Please note** that Chow Chow baby price or Chow Chow puppy cost may differ, as it totally depends on Chow Chow puppy or Chow Chow dog age, vaccinations, health conditions, gender such as male or female, location and delivery charges based on locations.
Definitely, you will heard from other mediums, that Chow Chow cost around 14,000Rs -24,000Rs but please beware of mixed breeds, fake sellers and any type of fraud. Before buying the puppies please check the purity and originality of breed then only buy the Chow Chow puppy or Chow Chow dog from them. Below we have given the important things which you can consider while checking the quality of chow chow baby.

Remember Original breed is Original because only original breed should have Good Temperament and Qualities which the Original Chow Chow breeds should have and Chow Chow cost in Bangalore depends on that originality only.

We will share some below important information here related to Chow Chow puppy such as:

1. What thing you have to take care while adopting Chow Chow puppy or Chow Chow Baby?
2. Information of Chow Chow dog in Hindi such as height, weight, age etc.
3. Name of some Pet shops in Bangalore along with their addresses.

Important things you should take care while Adopting Chow Chow Dog in Bangalore:

1. Chow Chow dog should be of Original Breed (Tail, Color, Muzzle size, head, Bone size, Skin, Hairs (Fur-should be smooth and long) and Health etc)
2. Dog should be vaccinated with required vaccination. Vaccination card should be given by the seller.
3. Chow Chow puppy or Dog health should be good and he should not be aggressive and most important puppy should be happy. 

4. Mother and Father of Chow Chow Puppy or Chow Chow baby should not be same blood line.(Surety of Better breed and for puppies future health) 

5. Government guidelines has to be following while purchasing and doing sale of Chow Chow baby in Bangalore with proper documentation.

Basic Information of Chow Chow Dog:

Chow Chow dogs are one of the ancient dog breed and originated from china. This dog breed is suitable for cold climate or places. They are not very easy to train as some time they are little stubborn too. Chow chow dogs are very active but not very playful. Chow Chow dogs are gentle and they are best suited for everyone either couple or family. Chow Chow enjoy spending time with family for example if your having a family activity then they want to be with you in that discussion, his almond shape eyes is so kind and he is so affectionate that no one will miss to love him. Chow Chow dogs have thick, double and long length coat looks like big puffy teddy bear. 
Chow Chow dogs do not like to be alone for a long time. The life span of Chow Chow dogs is around 10 -12 years. The height of Chow Chow adult dog can reach up-to 27-20 inches and their weight can be up-to 20-32 kilograms. Chow Chow dogs are very intelligent and have gentle, even tempered and kind temperament.  

For Original Chow Chow breed you can directly contact us. We ensure you and will make sure that you will be not disappointed and you will get the dog which you want. No one can compete us with the given Chow Chow puppy price in Bangalore or Chow Chow dog price in Bangalore and the services provided by us. We only deal with best, original and genuine breed.
Please make sure while adopting a Chow Chow dog in Bangalore or any other pet animal either from us or from any other pet shop in Bangalore that the government guidelines should be followed and well documented. Because buying a documented pet animal following government guideline ensures that you will receive the original breed, healthy breed and whatever age of the pet animal was told by the seller would be correct.

चाउ चाउ डॉग ब्रीड के डॉग की कुछ जानकारी नीचे दी गयी हे (Information of Chow Chow Dog in Hindi):

चाउ चाउ डॉग्स (Chow Chow Dog) बहुत ही लोकप्रिय डॉग की ब्रीड हे ! इन्हे खेलना ज्यादा पसंद नहीं हे परन्तु ये परिवार के साथ परिवार का हिस्सा बनकर रहना पसंद करते हे!  चाउ चाउ डॉग्स  बिलकुल एक बड़े टेडी बेयर की तरह होते हे , कहा तो ये भी जाता हे की टेडी बेयर का निर्माण इनसे प्रभाबित होकर ही हुआ हे! इस ब्रीड के डॉग्स बहुत ही बुद्धिमान, स्नेही प्रवति और बहुत ही प्यारे होते हे ! ये परिवार के लोगो के साथ और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण घर के बच्चो और बुजुर्गो के साथ बहुत ही प्यार से रहते हैं ! 
लेकिन बस हमें ये ध्यान देना होता हे की हम इन्हे इनके बचपन में इन्हे सही हे सामाजिक ट्रेनिंग दे और इनको लेते पे ये ध्यान देना होता हे की ये मिक्स्ड ब्रीड नहीं होने चाहिए क्यूंकि मिक्स्ड ब्रीड होने पर इनका टेम्परामेंट ख़राब हो सकता हे, ये जायदा भोकने वाले और काटने वाले भी हो सकते हे!

चाउ चाउ डॉग्स (Chow Chow Dogs) बहुत से कलर में आते हे इनके पुरे शरीर पर एक ही कलर के बाल होते हे और जीभ कुछ काले कलर में होती हे! इनके ऊपर का कोट बहुत ही मुलायम और अंदर का कोट थोड़ा रफ़ होता हे ! मेरे अनुसार तो ये सकरात्मकता की खान होते हैं और इनके होने से घर का वातावरण सकरात्मक और खुशनुमा बना रहता हे!

चाउ चाउ डॉग्स  की शारीरिक ढीलढाल की बात करें तो इनका वजन लगभग 20-32 किलोग्राम होता हे , इनका कलर गोल्डन होता हे और इनके बाल भी बड़े, मतलब डबल कोट और बहुत मुलायम मुलायम होते हे ! चाउ चाउ की ऊंचाई लगभग 17- 20 इंच तक होती हे और इनका सिर मजबूत और चौड़ा होता है। चाउ चाउ का जीवनकाल लगभग 10-12 साल का होता हे!

चाउ चाउ को खेलना ज्यादा पसंद नहीं होता हे ! दिन में एक बार हमे इनके बालों को कंघी करना चाहिए और हफ्ते में एक बार इन्हे नहलाना जरूर चाहिए , जिससे की इनका कोट अच्छा और आकर्षक बना रहे !

If you are looking to adopt the Chow Chow puppy in Bangalore from the pet shop. There are lots of pet shops in Bangalore. Please find the below list of pet shops available in Bangalore:

Some Pet shops in Bangalore:

Polankis Pet House

Address: No 2388, 1st Main Road, 9th Cross, Vijayanagar, Bangalore - 560040, Near Vijaynagar Club Road,Beside Maruthi Hospital

Mahogany Paws

Address: Shop No. - 9/7, Mathrushree Nilaya, 9th Cross, 3rd Main, Jp Nagar 1st Phase, Bangalore - 560078

S Crazy Pets

Address: No. 1, 1st Cross Sathyanarayana Nagar, Basaveshwara Nagar, Bangalore - 560079, Near Cafe Coffee Day

Manoj Pets Shop & Kennel

Address: 33, Bsnl Quarters Main Gate, K.B Sandra.. Amcr Road, Rt Nagar, Bangalore - 560032, Near Pushpanjali Theatre

A R Petsort

Address: No 277, 2nd Cross, Anjaneya Temple Street, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560011, Near Anjaneya Temple

Sandal Wood Kennel

Address: No 139, 1st Main Road, 3rd Cross, Kavalbyrasandra Main Road, Rt Nagar, Bangalore - 560032, Near Karnataka Bank ATM

Pets Town

Address: No 1235, Old Post Office Road, Ramamurthy Nagar, Bangalore - 560016, Near UCO Bank

Anila Sri Pets and Kennel

Address: No.9 SP 22 HBR Layout 2nd Stage 3rd Main Road, Kavalbyrasandra, Rt Nagar, Bangalore - 560032, Near GVR Plaza , BBMP SHAMPURA

XAD Pets

Address:No.433/6, BHEL Layout, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bangalore - 560098, NEAR BHEL PARK

Metro Pet Shop

Address:No 6 & 7, Kamal Plaza, Chanaraya Swamy Tempel Street, Nagarathpet, Bangalore - 560002

Puppy World Pet Shop

Address:No.20/2, Ground floor, shamanna building, 24th main Road, 18th cross, j.p.nagar 5th phase, bangalore, Karnataka

Tornado Pets

Address:No. 394, 57th Cross, 12th Main, Opp. to ICICI Bank, Near Bashyam Circle, 3rd Block, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560010

Glenands Pet Store - Indiranagar

Address:pillar no, Pillar No.89, 670, CMH Road, 2nd Stage, 89, 17th D Cross Rd, Opp Metro, Stage 2, Hoysala Nagar, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038 

Wet Pets

Address:No 126, Unit #B-01, Prestige Nugget, Infantry Road, below Indian Motorcycle, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001

Pet Choice

Address:No. 321/A, 1st Main Road, 7th Block, West, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560082

Dog Sale in Bangalore

Address:Indira Nagar Metro station, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038


Address:No 6 & 7, Kamal Plaza, Chanaraya Swamy Tempel Street, Nagarathpet, Bangalore - 560002

Metro Pet Shop

Address: 479, 2nd Main Rd, 2nd Stage, Indira Nagar II Stage, Hoysala Nagar, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038

Heads Up For Tails

Address:House No, 73, 4th Cross Rd, 1st Block Koramangala, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034

Harshitha Pet Shop

Address:No. 1 Krishna Rajendra Road obalappa garden, near tata motors, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Heavy Petting

Address:1215, 22nd Cross Rd, Sector 3, HSR Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560102

Glenands Pet Stores

Address:35, Church St, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001


Address:#133, Pakshiraj, 33rd Cross, 4nd Block, JayaNagar East, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560011


Address: #953 32nd E Cross 28th Main Road 4th T Block Jaynagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560041


Address:# 68, 1st "B" Cross 7th Main 80 Feet Road,Subbayana Palya,, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560033

Universal Pet Store

Address:#1853 40th A Cross, 26th Main Jayanagar 9th Block Opp To Post Office, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560069

Herriots Pet Shop And Clinic

Address:#454,17th cross, Next to Cafe Coffee Day Near BDA Complex, Sector 4, HSR Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560102

Heads Up For Tails Pet Store and Spa

Address: 27, MBangaloreth Rd, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560025

Sai Pet Shop

Address:Aswath Nagar, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

Pet Zone

Address:441, 8th Main Rd, Koramangala 4th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034

Rambo's Pet Shop

Address:304, 4th Main Rd, East of NGEF Layout, Kasturi Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560033

Kiran pet store

Address:No. 04, 21st Main Rd, near bda complex, opp. to pizza hut, Siddanna Layout, Banashankari Stage II, J. P. Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 570070

Polankis Pet House

Address: No 2388, 1st Main Road, 9th Cross, Vijayanagar, Bangalore - 560040, Near Vijaynagar Club Road,Beside Maruthi Hospital

Mahogany Paws

Address: Shop No. - 9/7, Mathrushree Nilaya, 9th Cross, 3rd Main, Jp Nagar 1st Phase, Bangalore - 560078

S Crazy Pets

Address: No. 1, 1st Cross Sathyanarayana Nagar, Basaveshwara Nagar, Bangalore - 560079, Near Cafe Coffee Day

Manoj Pets Shop & Kennel

Address: 33, Bsnl Quarters Main Gate, K.B Sandra.. Amcr Road, Rt Nagar, Bangalore - 560032, Near Pushpanjali Theatre

A R Petsort

Address: No 277, 2nd Cross, Anjaneya Temple Street, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560011, Near Anjaneya Temple

Sandal Wood Kennel

Address: No 139, 1st Main Road, 3rd Cross, Kavalbyrasandra Main Road, Rt Nagar, Bangalore - 560032, Near Karnataka Bank ATM

Pets Town

Address: No 1235, Old Post Office Road, Ramamurthy Nagar, Bangalore - 560016, Near UCO Bank

Anila Sri Pets and Kennel

Address: No.9 SP 22 HBR Layout 2nd Stage 3rd Main Road, Kavalbyrasandra, Rt Nagar, Bangalore - 560032, Near GVR Plaza , BBMP SHAMPURA

XAD Pets

Address:No.433/6, BHEL Layout, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bangalore - 560098, NEAR BHEL PARK

Metro Pet Shop

Address:No 6 & 7, Kamal Plaza, Chanaraya Swamy Tempel Street, Nagarathpet, Bangalore - 560002

Puppy World Pet Shop

Address:No.20/2, Ground floor, shamanna building, 24th main Road, 18th cross, j.p.nagar 5th phase, bangalore, Karnataka

Tornado Pets

Address:No. 394, 57th Cross, 12th Main, Opp. to ICICI Bank, Near Bashyam Circle, 3rd Block, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560010

Glenands Pet Store - Indiranagar

Address:pillar no, Pillar No.89, 670, CMH Road, 2nd Stage, 89, 17th D Cross Rd, Opp Metro, Stage 2, Hoysala Nagar, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038

Chow Chow cost in Bangalore, Chow Chow price in Bangalore, Chow Chow baby price in Bangalore, cost of Chow Chow in Bangalore, price of Chow Chow in Bangalore, Chow Chow Puppy cost in Bangalore     
We hope the above details and the information given about Chow Chow puppy price in Bangalore (चाउ चाउ प्राइस) will be useful to you and will help you to adopt healthier, happier, vaccinated and original breed of Chow Chow in Bangalore.Chow Chow cost in Bangalore can vary as we have discussed above. We hope the information shared by us above will help you to adopt original and healthy breed. After all the adopted dog is the one who make our family smile especially our Kids and believe us when you return from your work your dog will do all the thing which makes you happy and to remove all your tensions. Feel free to contact us for any information required on pet animals. Be Happy with Your Pet and give them lots of love.